★ 关于龟甲,象牙,鲸牙,虎牙,貂皮,犀牛,鹿角等动物制品,涉及到华盛顿条约相关内容的禁拍通知,详情请点击


·会社名称:EIGI TRADING CO.株式会社



·設立年月:2009年 5月



·Tel:0478-50-5388 Fax:0478-50-5399 











1.  日本商品的购入代行、拍卖网站的商品竞拍代行业务

①.  日本YAHOO、乐天、Bidders,日本主流拍卖网站的商品代拍服务。

由于YAHOO日本、乐天等主流拍卖网站上的卖家大多不愿意将商品直寄海外,或您不能取得日本YAHOO  的竞拍ID,或您不能和日本的卖家完成交易,使您不能直接参与竞标日本YAHOO拍卖。但您但经过本站,  您便可以畅标无阻。得标后,我们替您和卖家交易,卖家把商品寄给我们,我们再转寄给您。

②.  日本商品的代购服务  日本超市、或购物网站上的商品,我们帮您订购并转寄给您。

2.  中日国际贸易、商品代理输出入业务  如您的产品需要开拓日本市场,也请联系我们。


1.  本站整合了日本最大的拍卖网站日本YAHOO拍卖,日本最大的购物网站乐天,收录日本YAHOO拍卖的商品8000万件,日本乐天的商品上亿件。各种成 色(新旧)、各种品牌、各种类别的商品任您自由竞拍、自由海选。本站所有拍卖或直购的商品均与日本YAHOO、乐天网站同步实时更新,属国内首家。

2.  本站配有24小时自动竞标系统,您的出价会实时提交日本YAHOO拍卖的官方网站,跟在日本YAHOO官方  网站上竞拍效果是一样的,且由系统24跟踪拍卖的状态,您可以随时到会员中心查看标单的当前状态,现  在价格,结束时间等。

3.  本站已将日本YAHOO拍卖、乐天的商品分类翻译成中文,支持中文关键字搜索,不懂日文的客户一样畅  标无阻。

4.  自动更新出价,但有他人在跟您竞标商品时,系统会在您输入的最高得标金额范围内自动出价。例如您在竞标某件商品时输入的最高下标金额是5000日元(即 您能接受的最高价格),商品的现在价格是1000日元,竞价单位是100日元,则系统首先会用1100日元帮您竞标,但有他人叫价到1500日元时,系统 会自动用1600日元替您再次竞标。直到您的最高设定金额被别人超越,系统才通知您竞标失败。

5.  支持预约竞标,也就是在拍卖结束终了之前2分钟下标,避免与他人竞价。

6.  支持手机短信通知与下标。

7.  本站已经导入支付宝、网银在线支付工具,您直接支付人民币即可。



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Process: 0.141s ( Load:0.007s Init:0.010s Exec:0.098s Template:0.026s ) | DB :16 queries 0 writes | Cache :5 gets 3 writes | UseMem:25,805 kb
当前页面 : /index.php/News/help/ID/21.html
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运行数据 : Process: 0.141s ( Load:0.007s Init:0.010s Exec:0.098s Template:0.026s ) | DB :16 queries 0 writes | Cache :5 gets 3 writes | UseMem:25,805 kb
输出编码 : utf-8
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模板编译 : 重新编译
SQL记录 : 16条SQL
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] RunTime:0.000478s SQL = SHOW COLUMNS FROM bio_sysarticle
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] RunTime:0.000309s SQL = SHOW COLUMNS FROM bio_syscolumn
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] RunTime:0.000290s SQL = SHOW COLUMNS FROM bio_yahooid
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] RunTime:0.001029s SQL = SHOW COLUMNS FROM bio_agent
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] RunTime:0.000298s SQL = SELECT * FROM bio_agent WHERE ( `isViews` = 1 ) AND ( `domain` LIKE '%test.ripai.com' )
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] RunTime:0.000202s SQL = SELECT * FROM bio_agent WHERE ( `domain` = 'www.jp-daigou.com' )
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] RunTime:0.000237s SQL = select * from bio_siteparams where FIND_IN_SET('081',AgentID)
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] RunTime:0.000267s SQL = SHOW COLUMNS FROM bio_point
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] RunTime:0.001283s SQL = SHOW COLUMNS FROM bio_user
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] RunTime:0.000674s SQL = SELECT * FROM bio_goods WHERE `isView` = 1 and gType<=3 ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 15
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] RunTime:0.000274s SQL = SELECT * FROM bio_syscolumn WHERE ( `column_leftid` = 17 ) AND ( `column_open` = 1 ) ORDER BY column_order asc
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] RunTime:0.000326s SQL = SELECT * FROM bio_syscolumn WHERE ( `column_leftid` = '19' ) AND ( `column_open` = 1 ) ORDER BY column_order asc
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] RunTime:0.000255s SQL = SELECT * FROM bio_syscolumn WHERE ( `column_leftid` = '89' ) AND ( `column_open` = 1 ) ORDER BY column_order asc
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] RunTime:0.000380s SQL = SELECT * FROM bio_syscolumn WHERE ( `column_leftid` = '20' ) AND ( `column_open` = 1 ) ORDER BY column_order asc
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] RunTime:0.000293s SQL = SELECT * FROM bio_syscolumn WHERE ( `column_leftid` = '18' ) AND ( `column_open` = 1 ) ORDER BY column_order asc
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] RunTime:0.000311s SQL = SELECT * FROM bio_syscolumn WHERE ( `c_id` = 21 )
错误记录 : 104条错误
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() App.class.php 第 115 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: openid BaseAction.class.php 第 72 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: Debug BaseAction.class.php 第 174 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: uid BaseAction.class.php 第 209 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Client.php 第 179 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Client.php 第 228 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Request.php 第 412 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Request.php 第 736 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Request.php 第 749 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Request.php 第 794 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[2048] Redefining already defined constructor for class Net_URL URL.php 第 122 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Unserializer.php 第 691 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Unserializer.php 第 693 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Unserializer.php 第 852 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[2048] Redefining already defined constructor for class XML_Parser Parser.php 第 206 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Parser.php 第 576 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[2048] Declaration of XML_Parser::raiseError() should be compatible with that of PEAR::raiseError() Parser.php 第 634 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: type_ BaseAction.class.php 第 649 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: type_ BaseAction.class.php 第 649 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined offset: 11 BaseAction.class.php 第 349 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: type_ BaseAction.class.php 第 649 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: agentId common_inc.php 第 3135 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: isDebugMe forbidcates.php 第 108 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[2] shuffle() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given BaseAction.class.php 第 418 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: type_ BaseAction.class.php 第 649 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: agentId common_inc.php 第 3135 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: isDebugMe forbidcates.php 第 108 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: type_ BaseAction.class.php 第 649 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: agentId common_inc.php 第 3135 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: isDebugMe forbidcates.php 第 108 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: type_ BaseAction.class.php 第 649 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: type_ BaseAction.class.php 第 649 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: appajax NewsAction.class.php 第 125 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: not_use_mobile BaseAction.class.php 第 3650 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: mobile_phone_keyword BaseAction.class.php 第 3661 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: parseStr TagLibCx.class.php 第 272 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: parseStr TagLibCx.class.php 第 272 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: parseStr TagLibCx.class.php 第 272 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: parseStr TagLibCx.class.php 第 272 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined offset: 0 ThinkTemplate.class.php 第 578 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined offset: 0 ThinkTemplate.class.php 第 578 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: parseStr TagLibCx.class.php 第 272 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined offset: 0 ThinkTemplate.class.php 第 578 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined offset: 0 ThinkTemplate.class.php 第 578 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: meta_keyword 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 7 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: meta_desc 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 8 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: U 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 59 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: keyword 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 134 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: category 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 454 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: so 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 456 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: dr 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 457 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: keyword 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 462 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: sellerID 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 476 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: store 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 486 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: store 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 489 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: store 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 492 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: item_status 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 503 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: item_status 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 506 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: item_status 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 509 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: wrappingicon 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 520 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: buynow 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 523 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: thumbnail 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 525 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: urlpre 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: chkjp 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: urlpre 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: chkjp 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: urlpre 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: chkjp 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: urlpre 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: chkjp 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: urlpre 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: chkjp 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: aucminprice 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 537 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: aucmaxprice 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 538 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: isindex 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 577 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 794 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 809 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 809 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 812 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 809 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 810 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 810 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 810 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 809 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 831 行.
[ 24-06-29 16:04:10 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 834 行.