★ 关于龟甲,象牙,鲸牙,虎牙,貂皮,犀牛,鹿角等动物制品,涉及到华盛顿条约相关内容的禁拍通知,详情请点击





②.商品在国际邮寄途中出现破损、丢失的风险。 您有购买损坏、丢失保险,日拍网将赔偿商品的货值,最高30万日元,您的其它损失将由您本人承担。

③.日拍网对卖家发送的货品是否与网页上的图片一致,日拍网不做核对检查。如果您收到货品时发现卖家发错货品, 且卖家同意退换时,由此产后的国际邮费由您本人承担,日本国内段邮费由日拍网或卖家承担。

④.您的货品在日拍网日本仓库的免费保管时间是90天,对90天以后出现的货品丢失、损坏,如果您没有支付保管费,由此造成的损 失由您本人承担。









四、委托日拍网代购,代拍的物品的免费保管期限为从您的货品到达日本仓库日起90天,超出免费保管期限后开始计收仓库保管费:每个订单每月500日元(大件走拼柜的货物除外);每个包裹,仓库打包完成后,超出包裹免费存放期(10天)后开始计收仓库保管费: 每个包裹每月500日元。当仓库保管费超出商品金额,我们会向您发送及时处理商品或包裹的通知,自该通知发出之日起 10 天内,您未予回复或处理该商品或包裹,我们将有权自行处理该商品或包裹。












仿真枪、刀具、打火机、电池、无线电类、精密仪器、电脑硬盘、黄色DVD、毒品、反动报刊、高压气体、 救生圈、发动机、避震器、

排气管、方向盘(含气囊)、化油器、油箱油罐等(含油渍)物品、热水器、煤气炉等(用瓦斯)、带气体或带油渍物品、易燃易爆物品等所有海关禁止入关及邮局禁运的以及其他一切国家禁止买卖的商品 !












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Process: 0.171s ( Load:0.011s Init:0.015s Exec:0.118s Template:0.026s ) | DB :16 queries 0 writes | Cache :5 gets 3 writes | UseMem:25,819 kb
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SQL记录 : 16条SQL
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] RunTime:0.000667s SQL = SHOW COLUMNS FROM bio_sysarticle
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] RunTime:0.000471s SQL = SHOW COLUMNS FROM bio_syscolumn
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] RunTime:0.000449s SQL = SHOW COLUMNS FROM bio_yahooid
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] RunTime:0.001010s SQL = SHOW COLUMNS FROM bio_agent
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] RunTime:0.000449s SQL = SELECT * FROM bio_agent WHERE ( `isViews` = 1 ) AND ( `domain` LIKE '%test.ripai.com' )
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] RunTime:0.000211s SQL = SELECT * FROM bio_agent WHERE ( `domain` = 'www.jp-daigou.com' )
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] RunTime:0.000351s SQL = select * from bio_siteparams where FIND_IN_SET('081',AgentID)
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] RunTime:0.000404s SQL = SHOW COLUMNS FROM bio_point
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] RunTime:0.001236s SQL = SHOW COLUMNS FROM bio_user
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] RunTime:0.000991s SQL = SELECT * FROM bio_goods WHERE `isView` = 1 and gType<=3 ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 15
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] RunTime:0.000378s SQL = SELECT * FROM bio_syscolumn WHERE ( `column_leftid` = 17 ) AND ( `column_open` = 1 ) ORDER BY column_order asc
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] RunTime:0.000411s SQL = SELECT * FROM bio_syscolumn WHERE ( `column_leftid` = '19' ) AND ( `column_open` = 1 ) ORDER BY column_order asc
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] RunTime:0.000352s SQL = SELECT * FROM bio_syscolumn WHERE ( `column_leftid` = '89' ) AND ( `column_open` = 1 ) ORDER BY column_order asc
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] RunTime:0.000388s SQL = SELECT * FROM bio_syscolumn WHERE ( `column_leftid` = '20' ) AND ( `column_open` = 1 ) ORDER BY column_order asc
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] RunTime:0.000379s SQL = SELECT * FROM bio_syscolumn WHERE ( `column_leftid` = '18' ) AND ( `column_open` = 1 ) ORDER BY column_order asc
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] RunTime:0.000297s SQL = SELECT * FROM bio_syscolumn WHERE ( `c_id` = 22 )
错误记录 : 104条错误
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() App.class.php 第 115 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: openid BaseAction.class.php 第 72 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: Debug BaseAction.class.php 第 174 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: uid BaseAction.class.php 第 209 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Client.php 第 179 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Client.php 第 228 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Request.php 第 412 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Request.php 第 736 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Request.php 第 749 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Request.php 第 794 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[2048] Redefining already defined constructor for class Net_URL URL.php 第 122 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Unserializer.php 第 691 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Unserializer.php 第 693 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Unserializer.php 第 852 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[2048] Redefining already defined constructor for class XML_Parser Parser.php 第 206 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8192] Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated Parser.php 第 576 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[2048] Declaration of XML_Parser::raiseError() should be compatible with that of PEAR::raiseError() Parser.php 第 634 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: type_ BaseAction.class.php 第 649 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: type_ BaseAction.class.php 第 649 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined offset: 11 BaseAction.class.php 第 349 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: type_ BaseAction.class.php 第 649 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: agentId common_inc.php 第 3135 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: isDebugMe forbidcates.php 第 108 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[2] shuffle() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given BaseAction.class.php 第 418 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: type_ BaseAction.class.php 第 649 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: agentId common_inc.php 第 3135 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: isDebugMe forbidcates.php 第 108 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: type_ BaseAction.class.php 第 649 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: agentId common_inc.php 第 3135 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: isDebugMe forbidcates.php 第 108 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: type_ BaseAction.class.php 第 649 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: type_ BaseAction.class.php 第 649 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: appajax NewsAction.class.php 第 125 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: not_use_mobile BaseAction.class.php 第 3650 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: mobile_phone_keyword BaseAction.class.php 第 3661 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: parseStr TagLibCx.class.php 第 272 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: parseStr TagLibCx.class.php 第 272 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: parseStr TagLibCx.class.php 第 272 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: parseStr TagLibCx.class.php 第 272 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined offset: 0 ThinkTemplate.class.php 第 578 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined offset: 0 ThinkTemplate.class.php 第 578 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: parseStr TagLibCx.class.php 第 272 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined offset: 0 ThinkTemplate.class.php 第 578 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined offset: 0 ThinkTemplate.class.php 第 578 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: meta_keyword 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 7 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: meta_desc 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 8 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: U 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 59 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: keyword 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 134 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: category 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 454 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: so 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 456 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: dr 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 457 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: keyword 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 462 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: sellerID 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 476 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: store 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 486 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: store 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 489 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: store 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 492 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: item_status 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 503 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: item_status 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 506 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: item_status 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 509 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: wrappingicon 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 520 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: buynow 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 523 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: thumbnail 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 525 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: urlpre 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: chkjp 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: urlpre 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: chkjp 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: urlpre 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: chkjp 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: urlpre 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: chkjp 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: urlpre 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: chkjp 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 536 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: aucminprice 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 537 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined index: aucmaxprice 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 538 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Undefined variable: isindex 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 577 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 794 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 809 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 809 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 812 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 809 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 810 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 810 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 810 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 809 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 814 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 831 行.
[ 24-06-29 15:55:49 ] 注意:[8] Use of undefined constant en - assumed 'en' 371f65e8da2628cfbcd10adeae5d5ba3.php 第 834 行.